Government Vehicle Nearly Kills Three Friends Riding Motorcycles
Stephen, Robert, and Misty were riding their motorcycles home from dinner one night when a government vehicle turned into their lane of travel. All three were catastrophically injured.
Misty could not talk for weeks and could only communicate with a dry-erase board. Robert broke over 9 bones. Stephen shattered multiple bones in his leg.
Aaron Broussard was able to prove the turning signals on the government truck were defective and the driver violated Louisiana law.
Broussard Knoll Law Firm recovered the policy limits of 3.1 million in less than a year after the crash.
One weekend Aaron decided he was going to review the evidence until he figured out the key to the case. After about 10 hours of looking at photos and videos, he compared two videos of the defendant truck and realized the blinkers were flashing at a slightly different rate in the two videos.
A side-by-side comparison confirmed what Aaron had thought. That discovery led him to uncover that the owner of the truck had replaced the taillight after the crash (tampering with evidence) after they claimed it hadn’t been touched. Whether the lights were working at the time of the crash was a big deal. The case settled shortly after this discovery.
“Aaron Broussard traveled to meet with us and gave us a beacon of hope. He gave us his word to which has been worth its weight in gold. We have been so blessed to find great and amazing attorneys that feel more like family during our journey.”
– Broussard Knoll Law Firm client
Partner – Trial Lawyer
Aaron graduated from Sulphur High School in 1998 and graduated from McNeese four years later. He attended Tulane Law School in New Orleans and began practicing law at the age of 25.
In law school, Aaron was a lead member of Tulane’s National Moot Court Trial Team. He was also selected for Tulane’s Law Clinic which allows senior students to represent real clients while still in school. Aaron dedicated his law clinic experience to assisting victims of domestic violence in New Orleans. He also graduated with a Certificate of Specialization in Maritime Law.
Aaron is currently a member of the American Bar Association, the American Association for Justice, the Louisiana Association for Justice, and the Louisiana Bar Association. Aaron gets to know clients on a personal level and never gives up. His clients very rarely call to see how their case is going because they already know. Aaron keeps his clients informed and up to date. Aaron is very selective about what cases he handles. Being selective allows Aaron to dedicate more time to each client and get better results in a shorter time. Aaron strives to provide great representation to good people.

“Moving cases fast and investigating early is one of the ways we win cases for our clients. This case is a great example”