Propane Gas Explosion
Jackie was badly burned in a propane explosion at a trailer park. He had rented a house trailer. Two days after moving in, Jackie attempted to light the stove. He turned on the propane tank and unsuccessfully tried to light the pilot light on the stove top. When Jackie tried to light the oven, the stove exploded.
Jackie sustained second and third degree burns over 60 percent of his body. Jogging shorts protected him from the waist to mid-thigh. His face was not burned. The fire self-extinguished, causing little damage to the trailer.
As soon as Steve Broussard got the case, he did what good lawyers do—he took action to investigate and preserve key evidence. Investigation revealed that the stove was disconnected from the open propane line, but also that the propane tank did not contain the proper amount of odorant, which warns people of a leaks by smell.
Steve proved that the propane company failed to do a leak test at the time the propane was delivered. More importantly, Steve proved someone tampered with the tank after the explosion to make it appear there was a proper amount of odorant in the tank. Luckily, Steve had already preserved a sample of the real levels.
The case settled just days before trial.
After being burned over nearly 80% of his body, Jackie was no longer able to work. The financial recovery we made for Jackie allowed him the financial support he would need for the rest of his life and provided considerable additional funds to allow him to enjoy the quality of life he was left with after his tragic injuries.
“From the first visit, the professional and compassionate way I was greeted continued throughout my association with Steven. I was made to feel comfortable and confident in the decision’s we made. The integrity and overall handling of my case made me feel I could trust this firm in any legal matter.”
– Broussard Knoll Law Firm client
Partner – Trial Lawyer
After graduating from law school in 1977, Steve entered solo practice and for eight years handled virtually every type of case imaginable – from murder cases to divorces to wrongful death civil actions. After eight years, Steve ran for and was elected Judge for the Ward 4 Sulphur City Court.
During the 18 years that Steve served as Judge, he continued to maintain heavy caseload in his private practice by working long hours. At that point in his practice, Steve began limiting his cases to those involving personal injury.
In 2002, Steve retired from the Judgeship and now practices law full-time, handling serious injury and death cases. The knowledge and experience that Steve gained through serving as a judge for 18 years is an invaluable asset to him in representing victims in serious injury and death cases. Steve understands firsthand not only the workings of a court from both the attorney’s viewpoint and the judge’s viewpoint, but he knows what it takes to impress a judge with the merits of a particular case.

“Over and over again, I have seen corporations and insurance companies tamper with and flat-out hide evidence. It is so important to investigate every case immediately and NEVER take what the other side says for granted. You have to question everything.”
STEVEN BROUSSARD Jackie’s Lead Attorney